Kar Lo SAFALTA mutthi mein
“Kar Lo SAFALTA mutthi mein”
Shri.D.D.Vispute college of Science, Commerce and Management Devad-Vichumbe in association with Gillette Brand Presenter (P&G) organized a GILLETTE SAFALTA program on 23rd ,January 2023 by Karan Bachhav and Team Gillette Safalta
Gillette Guard is back with its program “Kar Lo SAFALTA mutthi mein” for the students.
This program is designed to empower the students with tips for grooming to build confidence that will allow them to excel in their upcoming professional journey.
The SAFALTA program focused on
A : Appear your confident best self to make the best first impressions
B : Body Language that emits positivity & confidence
C : Communicate confidently & sharply
As a part of the program, our partners also intend to offer paid internships & job opportunities to certain participated students, basis criteria determined by their partners declared the P&G team.