Founder’s message
Founder’s message

Late Bapusaheb D. D. Vispute (Rishimaharaj)
I had a dream to educate the children of our society who are from rural areas, and to make them independent. With this dream in my eyes, I started this institute giving it name as “Adarsh”.
The meaning of this word itself collectively holds the core values of the society. I am proud to announce that today our 48 institutes are running all over Maharashtra, Under “Adarsh Institute”.
It gives me immense pleasure to proclaim that Shri. D. D. Vispute Educational Institute has grown rapidly since its inception in 1990. It has since then made tremendous progress in achieving excellence in different fields of academics.
This height could not have been achieved without the team of dedicated and devoted staff who is committed to the service. I am of the view that education cleanses ignorance and spreads light of knowledge and wisdom. Young minds are the prospective architect of Nation’s destiny.
We stand committed to their all round development and well being. In view of this we follow a rule “Come in for knowledge, go out for service”. With this perspective, our staff and this institute will work dedicatedly, to build an educated and healthy nation.

24th Feb 2019 is the Golden Day in the History of Adarsh Group of Institute & Shri DD Vispute College of Pharmacy as Statue of Late Shri Bapusaheb Vispute was inagurated at Dhule by Auspicious hands of Hon.Sumitra Tai Ji Mahajan, Speaker of Loksabha, Govt of India, in presence of Hon. Subhash Ji Bhamre, Minister of state for defence, Hon.Shri Dhanraj Vispute Sir, President of Adarsh Group of Institute and Hon.Shri Mahendra Ji Vispute Sir, Vice President, Hon.Shri Bapusaheb Sonar, Mayor, Dhule Muncipal Corporation & Hon. Shri Anup Ji Agrawal, BJP president, Dhule District, Hon.Mrs. Sangita Ji Vispute, Secretory, Adarsh Group & Hon. Smita Ji Vispute. Glad to share that Inaguration of Adarsh Scientific Research Center & Food Testing Lab has also done by these honorable digintaries followed by Unveiling of “Smarnika” & “Karyanand”.